Outscore İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Outscore İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Outscore İle İlgili Cümleler

Outscore kelimesinin Türkçe anlamı “daha fazla puan yapmak” veya “üstün olmak” anlamına gelir. İşte 20 örnek cümle:

  1. She managed to outscore her opponent by three points. (İngilizce: She managed to outscore her opponent by three points.)
    (Türkçe: Rakibini üç puan farkla geride bırakmayı başardı.)

  2. The team’s star player outscored everyone else in the game. (İngilizce: The team’s star player outscored everyone else in the game.)
    (Türkçe: Takımın yıldız oyuncusu maçta herkesi geride bıraktı.)

  3. He was determined to outscore his previous performance. (İngilizce: He was determined to outscore his previous performance.)
    (Türkçe: Önceki performansını aşmaya kararlıydı.)

  4. The company’s profits outscored last year’s earnings. (İngilizce: The company’s profits outscored last year’s earnings.)
    (Türkçe: Şirketin karı geçen yılın kazancını aştı.)

  5. She always manages to outscore her classmates in math. (İngilizce: She always manages to outscore her classmates in math.)
    (Türkçe: Matematikte sınıf arkadaşlarını her zaman geride bırakmayı başarıyor.)

  6. The team’s defense outscored the offense in the last game. (İngilizce: The team’s defense outscored the offense in the last game.)
    (Türkçe: Takımın savunması son maçta hücumu geride bıraktı.)

  7. He was disappointed when he couldn’t outscore his rival. (İngilizce: He was disappointed when he couldn’t outscore his rival.)
    (Türkçe: Rakibini geride bırakamadığında hayal kırıklığına uğradı.)

  8. The team’s captain managed to outscore the opposing team’s captain. (İngilizce: The team’s captain managed to outscore the opposing team’s captain.)
    (Türkçe: Takım kaptanı rakip takımın kaptanını geride bırakmayı başardı.)

  9. He always tries to outscore his personal best in the marathon. (İngilizce: He always tries to outscore his personal best in the marathon.)
    (Türkçe: Maratonda

kendi en iyi derecesini aşmayı her zaman deniyor.)

  1. The team’s offense was unable to outscore the opposing team’s defense. (İngilizce: The team’s offense was unable to outscore the opposing team’s defense.)
    (Türkçe: Takımın hücumu rakip takımın savunmasını geride bırakmayı başaramadı.)

  2. She was surprised when she outscored the professional chess player. (İngilizce: She was surprised when she outscored the professional chess player.)
    (Türkçe: Profesyonel satranç oyuncusunu geride bıraktığında şaşırdı.)

  3. The company’s sales outscored the competition’s for the first time. (İngilizce: The company’s sales outscored the competition’s for the first time.)
    (Türkçe: Şirketin satışları ilk kez rakibininkileri geride bıraktı.)

  4. He always wants to outscore his older brother in everything. (İngilizce: He always wants to outscore his older brother in everything.)
    (Türkçe: Her konuda büyük kardeşini geride bırakmak istiyor.)

  5. The team’s goalkeeper outscored everyone else on the team in the last game. (İngilizce: The team’s goalkeeper outscored everyone else on the team in the last game.)
    (Türkçe: Takımın kalecisi son maçta takımdaki herkesi geride bıraktı.)

  6. The company’s new product outscored its competitors in terms of quality. (İngilizce: The company’s new product outscored its competitors in terms of quality.)
    (Türkçe: Şirketin yeni ürünü kalite açısından rakiplerini geride bıraktı.)

  7. She always tries to outscore her opponents in debate club. (İngilizce: She always tries to outscore her opponents in debate club.)
    (Türkçe: Tartışma kulübünde rakiplerini her zaman geride bırakmaya çalışıyor.)

  8. The team’s coach was proud when his team outscored their rivals. (İngilizce: The team’s coach was proud when his team outscored their rivals.)
    (Türkçe: Takımın antrenörü takımı rakiplerini geride bıraktığında gurur duydu.)

  9. He was thrilled when he outscored his favorite player in the tennis match. (İngilizce: He was thrilled when he outscored his favorite player in the tennis match.)

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