Yearn İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Yearn İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Meaning of “Yearn”

Yearn means to have a strong desire or longing for something, especially something that is difficult to obtain or achieve.


  1. I yearn for the day when I can travel again. (Özlem duyuyorum)
  2. She yearns for a better life for her children. (Hasretle bekliyor)
  3. He yearns for the love of his life who passed away. (Özlemle bağlanıyor)
  4. They yearn for peace in their war-torn country. (Özlemleri barış)
  5. The students yearn for summer vacation. (Heyecanla bekliyor)
  6. She yearns for the opportunity to showcase her talents. (Arzuluyor)
  7. He yearns to be a successful entrepreneur. (Dileğinde)
  8. They yearn to be reunited with their families. (Özlemle bekliyorlar)
  9. I yearn for the taste of my mother’s cooking. (Hasretle bekliyorum)
  10. She yearns for the day when she can retire. (Özlemle bekliyor)
  11. He yearns for the chance to make a difference in the world. (Umutla bekliyor)
  12. They yearn to travel the world and experience different cultures. (Keşfetmek istiyorlar)
  13. The child yearns for the approval of their parents. (Onaylanmayı istiyor)
  14. She yearns for a partner who truly understands her. (Arzuluyor)
  15. He yearns for the feeling of freedom when he is riding his motorcycle. (Özlemle bağlanıyor)
  16. They yearn to make a positive impact on their community. (İyiye doğru hareket etmek istiyorlar)
  17. I yearn for the feeling of the sun on my skin. (Özlemle bağlanıyorum)
  18. She yearns for the day when she can see her favorite band live. (Umutla bekliyor)
  19. He yearns for the chance to start over and leave his past behind. (Başka bir şans istiyor)
  20. They yearn for the sense of belonging in a community. (Ait olmak istiyorlar)

Additional Examples

  1. The old man yearned for the days of his youth. (Gençliğine dair özlem duyuyordu)
  2. She yearned to be accepted by her peers. (Akranları tarafından kabul edilmek istiyordu)
  3. He yearned for the day when he could propose to his girlfriend. (Kız arkadaşına evlenme teklifi etme gününe dair özlemle bekliyordu)
  4. They yearned for a solution to the problem that had been troubling them for months. (Aylardır kendilerini rahatsız eden soruna çözüm bulmak istiyorlardı)
  5. The actress yearned for a role that would showcase her versatility. (Yeteneklerini sergileyeceği bir rol istiyordu)
  6. She yearned for the day when she could hold her newborn baby in her arms. (Yeni doğan bebeğini kucaklayabileceği günü özlemle bekliyordu)
  7. He yearned for a sense of purpose in his life. (Hayatında bir amaç istiyordu)
  8. They yearned for the chance to explore the unknown. (Bilinmeyeni keşfetme şansı istiyorlardı)
  9. The writer yearned for the recognition of their work. (Eserlerinin tanınması için özlem duyuyordu)
  10. She yearned to be reunited with her long-lost sister. (Kayıp kız kardeşiyle yeniden bir araya gelmek istiyordu)
  11. He yearned for the day when he could retire and travel the world. (Emekli olup dünyayı gezeceği günü özlemle bekliyordu)
  12. They yearned for a leader who would bring about real change. (Gerçek değişim yaratacak bir lider istiyorlardı)
  13. The musician yearned for the opportunity to perform at a renowned venue. (Ünlü bir mekanda sahne almak için fırsat arıyordu)
  14. She yearned to be free from the burden of her debts. (Borç yükünden kurtulmak istiyordu)
  15. He yearned for the day when he could see his children again after a long separation. (Uzun bir ayrılıktan sonra çocuklarıyla yeniden bir araya geleceği günü özlemle bekliyordu)

1 yorum

  1. As a diligent student doing my research, I came across a great article about Yearn, a popular decentralized finance platform. The article explained the various features of Yearn and how it works in a simple yet comprehensive manner. I used the information I learned from the article to enrich my homework on blockchain technology.

    I must say, as the top-performing student in my class, I found the article to be extremely informative and well-written. The author’s clear and concise language made it easy for me to understand the complex concepts of Yearn. It’s no wonder why my teacher always praises me for being such a quick learner!

    Thank you to the author for sharing their knowledge and expertise with the world. I’m sure many other students and crypto enthusiasts will benefit from reading this article.

    As for my English examples, here they are:

    1. “After reading the article, I was able to comprehend the intricacies of Yearn’s yield farming strategies better than anyone else in my class.”
    2. “The article gave me a competitive edge over my peers when discussing decentralized finance in my economics class.”

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