Wearied İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Wearied İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Wearied ne demek?

Wearied kelimesi Türkçe’de “yorgun, bezmiş, bıkkın” gibi anlamlara gelir.

İşte örnek cümleler:

  1. I am wearied from working all day. (Tüm gün çalışmaktan yorgun düştüm.)
  2. She looked wearied and exhausted. (O, yorgun ve bitkin görünüyordu.)
  3. The soldiers were wearied from the long march. (Askerler, uzun yürüyüşten yorgun düştüler.)
  4. He was wearied by the constant noise. (Sürekli gürültüden bıkkın düştü.)
  5. She felt wearied by the endless meetings. (Sonsuz toplantılardan yorgun hissetti.)
  6. The teacher was wearied by the students’ lack of motivation. (Öğrencilerin motivasyon eksikliği öğretmeni yordu.)
  7. The athlete was wearied by the intense training. (Sıkı antrenmanlar sporcu yorgun düşürdü.)
  8. The parents were wearied by their children’s constant demands. (Çocukların sürekli istekleri ebeveynleri bıkkın düşürdü.)
  9. The long flight left him wearied and jet-lagged. (Uzun uçuş onu yorgun ve jet laglı bıraktı.)
  10. The musician was wearied by the nonstop touring. (Durmaksızın turne yapmak müzisyeni yordu.)
  11. The doctor was wearied by the endless paperwork. (Sonsuz kağıt işleri doktoru bıkkın düşürdü.)
  12. The politician was wearied by the constant criticism. (Sürekli eleştiriler siyasetçiyi yorgun düşürdü.)
  13. The artist was wearied by the pressure to constantly create. (Sonsuz yaratma baskısı sanatçıyı yordu.)
  14. The hiker was wearied by the steep climb. (Dik tırmanış yürüyüşçüyü yorgun düşürdü.)
  15. The employee was wearied by the long hours and low pay. (Uzun saatler ve düşük ücret çalışanı yordu.)
  16. The student was wearied by the endless studying. (Sonsuz çalışma öğrenciyi yorgun düşürdü.)
  17. The chef was wearied by the nonstop cooking. (Durmaksızın yemek pişirmek aşçıyı yordu.)
  18. The customer service representative was wearied by the constant complaints. (Sürekli şikayetler müşteri temsilcisini bıkkın düşürdü.)
  19. The writer was wearied by the pressure to constantly produce new material. (Sonsuz yeni materyal üretme baskısı yazarı yordu.)
  20. The parent was wearied by the toddler’s constant tantrums. (Sürekli krizler ebeveyini yorgun düşürdü.)
  1. The marathon runner was wearied by the grueling race. (Zorlu maraton yarışı koşucuyu yorgun düşürdü.)
  2. The farmer was wearied by the long days in the fields. (Tarlada geçen uzun günler çiftçiyi yordu.)
  3. The caregiver was wearied by the constant demands of the elderly patient. (Yaşlı hastanın sürekli istekleri bakıcıyı bıkkın düşürdü.)
  4. The artist was wearied by the pressure to always be innovative. (Daima yenilikçi olma baskısı sanatçıyı yordu.)
  5. The traveler was wearied by the long journey. (Uzun yolculuk gezgini yorgun düşürdü.)
  6. The worker was wearied by the repetitive tasks. (Tekrarlayan görevler işçiyi yordu.)
  7. The volunteer was wearied by the constant fundraising events. (Sürekli fon toplama etkinlikleri gönüllüyü yordu.)
  8. The student was wearied by the intense exam period. (Yoğun sınav dönemi öğrenciyi yorgun düşürdü.)
  9. The parent was wearied by the sleepless nights with a newborn baby. (Yeni doğan bebeğin uykusuz geceleri ebeveyini yordu.)
  10. The worker was wearied by the long commute to work. (İşe uzun yolculuk işçiyi yorgun düşürdü.)

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