Visage İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Visage İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı


Visage, yüz anlamına gelen bir kelime olarak kullanılır. Aşağıda visage kelimesinin kullanıldığı 20 örnek cümleyi ve Türkçe anlamlarını bulabilirsiniz.

  1. She had a lovely visage and a charming smile. (İngilizce: She had a lovely visage and a charming smile.)
  2. The artist captured the visage of his subject perfectly. (İngilizce: The artist captured the visage of his subject perfectly.)
  3. Her visage was etched with lines of worry. (İngilizce: Her visage was etched with lines of worry.)
  4. The visage of the old man was lined with age. (İngilizce: The visage of the old man was lined with age.)
  5. The visage of the building had changed little over the years. (İngilizce: The visage of the building had changed little over the years.)
  6. She tried to keep a calm visage, even though she was anxious. (İngilizce: She tried to keep a calm visage, even though she was anxious.)
  7. The visage of the statue was imposing and impressive. (İngilizce: The visage of the statue was imposing and impressive.)
  8. His visage was a perfect fit for the role he was playing. (İngilizce: His visage was a perfect fit for the role he was playing.)
  9. The visage of the mountain changed with the seasons. (İngilizce: The visage of the mountain changed with the seasons.)
  10. She couldn’t help but smile at the visage of her newborn baby. (İngilizce: She couldn’t help but smile at the visage of her newborn baby.)
  11. The visage of the town was quaint and charming. (İngilizce: The visage of the town was quaint and charming.)
  12. He studied the visage of the suspect, looking for any sign of guilt. (İngilizce: He studied the visage of the suspect, looking for any sign of guilt.)
  13. The visage of the ocean was calm and peaceful. (İngilizce: The visage of the ocean was calm and peaceful.)
  1. The visage of the painting was hauntingly beautiful. (İngilizce: The visage of the painting was hauntingly beautiful.)
  2. The visage of the building reflected the style of the era. (İngilizce: The visage of the building reflected the style of the era.)
  3. She was struck by the sad visage of the homeless man on the street corner. (İngilizce: She was struck by the sad visage of the homeless man on the street corner.)
  4. The visage of the sun rising over the horizon was breathtaking. (İngilizce: The visage of the sun rising over the horizon was breathtaking.)
  5. The visage of the city at night was a mesmerizing sight. (İngilizce: The visage of the city at night was a mesmerizing sight.)
  6. The visage of the princess was radiant and regal. (İngilizce: The visage of the princess was radiant and regal.)

Türkçe anlamı “yüz” olan visage kelimesinin İngilizce örnek cümlelerini incelediğimizde, kelimenin genellikle bir kişinin veya nesnenin yüzünün görünümüyle ilişkili olduğunu görüyoruz. Kelime, bu görünümün güzelliğini, endişesini, yaşlılığını, acımasızlığını veya etkisini tanımlamak için kullanılabilir.

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