Strewn İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Strewn İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Strewn Kelimesinin Anlamı:

Strewn, “serpiştirilmiş” veya “dağılmış” anlamına gelen bir sıfat olarak kullanılır.

Örnek Cümleler:

  1. The beach was strewn with seashells. (Plaj kabuklarla doluydu.)
  2. The floor was strewn with toys. (Zemin oyuncaklarla doluydu.)
  3. The path was strewn with fallen leaves. (Yol düşen yapraklarla doluydu.)
  4. The room was strewn with papers. (Oda kağıtlarla doluydu.)
  5. The garden was strewn with colorful flowers. (Bahçe renkli çiçeklerle doluydu.)
  6. The floor was strewn with rose petals. (Zemin gül yapraklarıyla doluydu.)
  7. The picnic area was strewn with litter. (Piknik alanı çöp ile doluydu.)
  8. The street was strewn with debris after the storm. (Sokak fırtına sonrası enkazla doluydu.)
  9. The area around the campfire was strewn with ash. (Kamp ateşi çevresinde külle doluydu.)
  10. The park was strewn with fallen branches after the strong wind. (Park güçlü rüzgar sonrası düşen dallarla doluydu.)
  11. The old house was strewn with cobwebs. (Eski ev örümcek ağlarıyla doluydu.)
  12. The lake was strewn with lily pads. (Göl nilüfer yapraklarıyla doluydu.)
  13. The street was strewn with confetti after the parade. (Sokak geçit töreni sonrası konfetiyle doluydu.)
  14. The forest floor was strewn with pine needles. (Orman zemini çam iğneleriyle doluydu.)
  15. The room was strewn with balloons for the party. (Oda parti için balonlarla doluydu.)
  16. The beach was strewn with rocks of different sizes. (Plaj farklı boyutlarda kayalarla doluydu.)
  17. The path was strewn with pebbles. (Yol çakıl taşlarıyla doluydu.)
  18. The table was strewn with crumbs. (Masa kırıntılarla doluydu.)
  19. The grass was strewn with morning dew. (Çimler sabah çiyiyle kaplıydı.)
  20. The stage was strewn with rose petals for the bride’s entrance. (Sahne gelinin girişi için gül yapraklarıyla doluydu.)

Türkçe Anlamlarıyla Örnek Cümleler:

  1. Plaj kabuklarla doluydu. (The beach was strewn with seashells.)
  2. Zemin oyuncaklarla doluydu. (The floor was strewn with toys.)
  3. Yol düşen yapraklarla doluydu. (The path was strewn with fallen leaves.)
  4. Oda kağıtlarla doluydu. (The room was strewn with papers.)
  5. Bahçe renkli çiçeklerle doluydu. (The garden was strewn with colorful flowers.)
  6. Zemin gül yapraklarıyla doluydu. (The floor was strewn with rose petals.)
  7. Piknik alanı çöp ile doluydu. (The picnic area was strewn with litter.)
  8. Sokak fırtına sonrası enkazla doluydu. (The street was strewn with debris after the storm.)
  9. Kamp ateşi çevresinde külle doluydu. (The area around the campfire was strewn with ash.)
  10. Park güçlü rüzgar sonrası düşen dallarla doluydu. (The park was strewn with fallen branches after the strong wind.)
  11. Eski ev örümcek ağlarıyla doluydu. (The old house was strewn with cobwebs.)
  12. Göl nilüfer yapraklarıyla doluydu. (The lake was strewn with lily pads.)
  13. Sokak geçit töreni sonrası konfetiyle doluydu. (The street was strewn with confetti after the parade.)
  14. Orman zemini çam iğneleriyle doluydu. (The forest floor was strewn with pine needles.)
  15. Oda parti için balonlarla doluydu. (The room was strewn with balloons for the party.)
  16. Plaj farklı boyutlarda kayalarla doluydu. (The beach was strewn with rocks of different sizes.)
  17. Yol çakıl taşlarıyla doluydu. (The path was strewn with pebbles.)
  18. Masa kırıntılarla doluydu. (The table was strewn with crumbs.)
  19. Çimler sabah çiyiyle kaplıydı. (The grass was strewn with morning dew.)
  20. Sahne gelinin girişi için gül yapraklarıyla doluydu. (The stage was strewn with rose petals for the bride’s entrance.)

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