Premonition İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Premonition İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Premonition: (Önsezi)

Premonition means a feeling or intuition that something is going to happen in the future.

  1. I had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. (Bir şeyin kötü olacağına dair bir his vardı.)
  2. She had a premonition of her father’s death. (Babasının ölümüne dair bir önsezi vardı.)
  3. He ignored his premonition about taking the train and decided to drive instead. (Trende gitme konusundaki önsezisini görmezden geldi ve arabayla gitmeye karar verdi.)
  4. A premonition of danger made her hesitate. (Bir tehlike önsezi onu tereddüt ettirdi.)
  5. I had a strange premonition that we would meet again. (Tekrar karşılaşacağımıza dair garip bir his vardı.)
  6. She had a premonition that her husband was cheating on her. (Kocasının onu aldattığına dair bir önsezi vardı.)
  7. He had a premonition that the plane was going to crash. (Uçağın düşeceğine dair bir önsezi vardı.)
  8. She had a premonition that her sister was in trouble. (Kız kardeşinin başının dertte olduğuna dair bir hissi vardı.)
  9. A premonition of success filled her with excitement. (Başarılı olacağına dair bir his heyecanlandırdı.)
  10. He couldn’t shake the premonition that something was off about his new boss. (Yeni patronuyla ilgili bir şeylerin ters olduğuna dair önsezisinden kurtulamadı.)
  11. Her premonition that her friend was lying turned out to be true. (Arkadaşının yalan söylediğine dair hissi doğru çıktı.)
  12. I had a premonition that the weather was going to change. (Havanın değişeceğine dair bir his vardı.)
  13. The premonition of danger lingered in the back of her mind. (Tehlike önsezi kafasının arkasında kaldı.)
  14. He had a premonition that his favorite team was going to lose. (Favori takımının kaybedeceğine dair bir önsezi vardı.)
  15. She had a premonition that her ex-boyfriend was going to call her. (Eski erkek arkadaşının arayacağına dair bir hissi vardı.)
  16. A premonition of happiness filled her heart as she walked down the aisle. (Gelin yolunda yürürken mutlu olacağına dair bir hissi vardı.)
  17. He couldn’t shake the premonition that he was going to fail the test. (Sınavı geçemeyeceğine dair önsezisinden kurtulamadı.)
  18. She had a premonition that her house was going to be robbed. (Evine hırsız gireceğine dair bir önsezi vardı.)
  19. A premonition of danger made her turn around and go back home. (Bir tehlike önsezi
  1. He had a premonition that his car was going to break down on the highway. (Arabasının otoyolda bozulacağına dair bir önsezi vardı.)

Overall, premonition is a powerful and mysterious feeling that many people experience at some point in their lives. It can be unsettling or reassuring, depending on the circumstances, but it’s always worth paying attention to.

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