İtsy-Bitsy İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

İtsy-Bitsy İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Itsy-Bitsy Nedir?

Itsy-bitsy, küçük ve sevimli bir şeyi tarif etmek için kullanılan bir deyimdir.

  1. My niece wore an itsy-bitsy dress to the party. (Kız yeğenim partiye itsy-bitsy bir elbise giydi.)
  2. The puppy is so cute, it’s itsy-bitsy. (Köpekçik o kadar tatlı ki, itsy-bitsy.)
  3. The hotel room was itsy-bitsy, but it was cozy. (Otel odası itsy-bitsy ama rahattı.)
  4. She took an itsy-bitsy bite of the cookie. (Kurabiyeden itsy-bitsy bir ısırık aldı.)
  5. The bird’s nest was made up of itsy-bitsy twigs. (Kuş yuvası itsy-bitsy dallardan yapılmıştı.)
  6. The ring was too itsy-bitsy for her finger. (Yüzük parmağına çok itsy-bitsy geldi.)
  7. The baby’s feet were so itsy-bitsy they fit in the palm of my hand. (Bebek ayakları o kadar itsy-bitsy ki avuç içime sığdı.)
  8. The letters on the page were itsy-bitsy and hard to read. (Sayfadaki harfler çok itsy-bitsy ve okuması zordu.)
  9. The toy car was itsy-bitsy but it still worked. (Oyuncak araba itsy-bitsy ama hala işe yarıyordu.)
  10. She made an itsy-bitsy mistake in her calculations. (Hesaplamalarında itsy-bitsy bir hata yaptı.)
  11. The plant produced itsy-bitsy flowers. (Bitki itsy-bitsy çiçekler üretti.)
  12. The earrings were itsy-bitsy and delicate. (Küpeler itsy-bitsy ve narin idi.)
  13. He used an itsy-bitsy screwdriver to fix the glasses. (Gözlükleri tamir etmek için itsy-bitsy bir tornavida kullandı.)
  14. The bird had an itsy-bitsy beak. (Kuşun itsy-bitsy bir gagası vardı.)
  15. The spider was itsy-bitsy, but it still scared me. (Örümcek itsy-bitsy ama yine de beni korkuttu.)
  16. The baby’s itsy-bitsy fingers wrapped around my thumb. (Bebek itsy-bitsy parmaklarıyla başparmağıma sarıldı.)
  17. The computer screen was too itsy-bitsy to work on. (Bilgisayar ekranı iş yapmak için çok itsy-bitsydi.)
  18. The book had itsy-bitsy print and was hard to read. (Kitapta itsy-bitsy yazı vardı ve okuması zordu.)
  19. She drew an itsy-bitsy heart on the paper. (Kağıda itsy-bitsy bir kalp çizdi.)
  20. The cake was decorated with itsy-bitsy sugar flowers. (Kek itsy-bitsy şeker çiçekleriyle süslenmişti.)
  1. The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spout. (Itsy-bitsy örümcek su borusuna tırmandı.)
  2. The toddler’s itsy-bitsy shoes were so cute. (Yürümeye başlayan çocuğun itsy-bitsy ayakkabıları çok sevimliydi.)
  3. The artist used an itsy-bitsy brush to paint the details. (Sanatçı detayları boyamak için itsy-bitsy bir fırça kullandı.)
  4. The necklace had an itsy-bitsy pendant hanging from it. (Kolyenin ucunda itsy-bitsy bir kolye asılıydı.)
  5. The toy store had a collection of itsy-bitsy figurines. (Oyuncak dükkanı itsy-bitsy figürlerin koleksiyonunu bulunduruyordu.)
  6. She added an itsy-bitsy bit of salt to the soup. (Çorbanın içine itsy-bitsy biraz tuz ekledi.)
  7. The plant had itsy-bitsy leaves that were barely visible. (Bitkinin itsy-bitsy yaprakları neredeyse görünmüyordu.)
  8. The baby’s itsy-bitsy yawns were too adorable. (Bebek itsy-bitsy esnemeleriyle çok tatlıydı.)
  9. The painting was so intricate, it had itsy-bitsy details all over. (Tablo o kadar karmaşıktı ki, her yerinde itsy-bitsy detaylar vardı.)
  10. The boutique had a section dedicated to itsy-bitsy accessories. (Butikte itsy-bitsy aksesuarlara ayrılmış bir bölüm vardı.)

Itsy-Bitsy ile İlgili Kalıplar

1. Itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spout. (Itsy-bitsy örümcek su borusuna tırmandı.)
2. She made an itsy-bitsy mistake. (Itsy-bitsy bir hata yaptı.)
3. The itsy-bitsy details made all the difference. (Itsy-bitsy detaylar her şeyi değiştirdi.)
4. The baby’s itsy-bitsy fingers were so small. (Bebek itsy-bitsy parmakları çok küçüktü.)
5. The dress was itsy-bitsy, but it fit perfectly. (Elbise itsy-bitsy ama tam oturdu.)
6. The toy was itsy-bitsy, but it was still fun. (Oyuncak itsy-bitsy ama yine de eğlenceliydi.)
7. The itsy-bitsy flowers added a pop of color. (Itsy-bitsy çiçekler renk kattı.)
8. The itsy-bitsy earrings were delicate and pretty. (Itsy-bitsy küpeler narin ve güzeldi.)
9. The itsy-bitsy puppy was so cute. (Itsy-bitsy köpekçik çok tatlıydı.)
10. The itsy-bitsy print was hard to read. (Itsy-bitsy yazı okuması zordu.)

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