Each İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Each İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

“İle” in English: “with”

“İle” is a postposition in Turkish, which is used to indicate the presence of something or someone with something else. It can also indicate an instrument, a means, or a method used for doing something.

Here are 20 examples of sentences using “ile” in context:

  1. I will go to the cinema with my friends. (I will go to the cinema with my friends.)
  2. She writes her novels with a pen. (She writes her novels with a pen.)
  3. He cooked the dinner with his wife. (He cooked the dinner with his wife.)
  4. We went to the party with our neighbors. (We went to the party with our neighbors.)
  5. They traveled to Europe with their children. (They traveled to Europe with their children.)
  6. I will finish the project with my team. (I will finish the project with my team.)
  7. She prepared the presentation with her colleagues. (She prepared the presentation with her colleagues.)
  8. He painted the room with a brush. (He painted the room with a brush.)
  9. We took the dog for a walk with a leash. (We took the dog for a walk with a leash.)
  10. They went to the beach with their surfboards. (They went to the beach with their surfboards.)
  11. I will solve the problem with this software. (I will solve the problem with this software.)
  12. She cuts vegetables with a knife. (She cuts vegetables with a knife.)
  13. He won the game with his skills. (He won the game with his skills.)
  14. We celebrated the birthday with a cake. (We celebrated the birthday with a cake.)
  15. They watched the movie with their family. (They watched the movie with their family.)
  16. I will learn English with a teacher. (I will learn English with a teacher.)
  17. She works on her laptop with a mouse. (She works on her laptop with a mouse.)
  18. He reads books with his glasses. (He reads books

with his glasses.)
19. We traveled to the city with a bus. (We traveled to the city with a bus.)

  1. They studied for the exam with their textbooks. (They studied for the exam with their textbooks.)

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