Dubious İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Dubious İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı


Turkish meaning: Kuşkulu, şüpheli

Dubious is an adjective that refers to something that is uncertain or doubtful. Here are 20 example sentences with their Turkish translations:

  1. The research findings were dubious and needed further investigation. (The research findings were dubious and needed further investigation.) – Araştırma bulguları şüpheliydi ve daha fazla inceleme gerektiriyordu.
  2. I have a dubious feeling about his intentions. (I have a dubious feeling about his intentions.) – Onun niyetleri hakkında şüphelerim var.
  3. The company’s financial statements appear dubious. (The company’s financial statements appear dubious.) – Şirketin mali tabloları şüpheli görünüyor.
  4. The police officer had a dubious look on his face when I told him my story. (The police officer had a dubious look on his face when I told him my story.) – Polis memuru, hikayemi anlattığımda yüzünde şüpheli bir ifade vardı.
  5. The explanation given by the suspect was dubious at best. (The explanation given by the suspect was dubious at best.) – Şüphelinin verdiği açıklama en fazla şüpheliydi.
  6. The safety of the new drug is dubious. (The safety of the new drug is dubious.) – Yeni ilacın güvenilirliği şüphelidir.
  7. The politician’s promises were met with dubious reactions from the public. (The politician’s promises were met with dubious reactions from the public.) – Politikacının vaatleri halk tarafından şüpheyle karşılandı.
  8. The evidence presented in court was dubious and didn’t prove anything. (The evidence presented in court was dubious and didn’t prove anything.) – Mahkemede sunulan kanıtlar şüpheliydi ve hiçbir şeyi kanıtlamadı.
  9. The weather forecast for the weekend is dubious. (The weather forecast for the weekend is dubious.) – Hafta sonu için hava tahmini şüphelidir.
  10. The website’s credibility is dubious because of its lack of sources. (The website’s credibility is dubious because of its lack of sources.) – Web sitesinin kaynak eksikliği nedeniyle güvenilirliği şüphelidir.
  11. The teacher had a dubious expression on her face when she saw the plagiarized essay. (The teacher had a dubious expression on her face when she saw the plagiarized essay.) – Öğretmen, çalıntı makaleyi görünce yüzünde ş

üpheli bir ifade vardı.
12. The suspect’s alibi was dubious and couldn’t be verified. (The suspect’s alibi was dubious and couldn’t be verified.) – Şüphelinin mazereti şüpheliydi ve doğrulanamadı.

  1. The book’s claims were dubious and needed to be fact-checked. (The book’s claims were dubious and needed to be fact-checked.) – Kitabın iddiaları şüpheliydi ve gerçeklerle kontrol edilmeliydi.
  2. The company’s sudden change in policy raised dubious eyebrows among its employees. (The company’s sudden change in policy raised dubious eyebrows among its employees.) – Şirketin aniden politikasını değiştirmesi, çalışanları arasında şüpheli bakışlara neden oldu.
  3. The witness’s testimony was full of dubious statements. (The witness’s testimony was full of dubious statements.) – Tanığın ifadesi şüpheli beyanlarla doluydu.
  4. The food’s freshness was dubious and made me sick. (The food’s freshness was dubious and made me sick.) – Yiyeceğin tazeliği şüpheliydi ve beni hasta etti.
  5. The speaker’s credibility was dubious because of the numerous contradictions in his story. (The speaker’s credibility was dubious because of the numerous contradictions in his story.) – Konuşmacının güvenilirliği hikayesindeki sayısız çelişki nedeniyle şüpheliydi.
  6. The rumor about the celebrity’s death was dubious and turned out to be false. (The rumor about the celebrity’s death was dubious and turned out to be false.) – Ünlü kişinin ölümüyle ilgili söylenti şüpheliydi ve yanlış çıktı.
  7. The student’s explanation for the missing homework was dubious and didn’t make sense. (The student’s explanation for the missing homework was dubious and didn’t make sense.) – Öğrencinin kayıp ödev için verdiği açıklama şüpheliydi ve mantıklı değildi.
  8. The scientist’s theory was initially dubious, but after further testing, it was proven to be accurate. (The scientist’s theory was initially dubious, but after further testing, it was proven to be accurate.) – Bilim adamının teorisi başlangıçta şüpheliydi, ancak daha fazla testten sonra doğru olduğu kanıtlandı.

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