Discolour İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Discolour İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Discolour (verb) – Rengini değiştirmek, solmak

  1. My shirt has discoloured in the sun. (The shirt has discoloured in the sun.)
  2. The painting has discoloured over time. (The painting has discoloured over time.)
  3. The chlorine in the pool water has discoloured my hair. (The chlorine in the pool water has discoloured my hair.)
  4. The carpet has discoloured due to constant foot traffic. (The carpet has discoloured due to constant foot traffic.)
  5. The white walls have discoloured with age. (The white walls have discoloured with age.)
  6. The rust has discoloured the metal gate. (The rust has discoloured the metal gate.)
  7. The wine has discoloured the tablecloth. (The wine has discoloured the tablecloth.)
  8. The sun has discoloured the leather seats in my car. (The sun has discoloured the leather seats in my car.)
  9. The water has discoloured the bathtub. (The water has discoloured the bathtub.)
  10. The pollution has discoloured the facade of the building. (The pollution has discoloured the facade of the building.)
  11. The old photograph has discoloured with time. (The old photograph has discoloured with time.)
  12. The sauce has discoloured the Tupperware container. (The sauce has discoloured the Tupperware container.)
  13. The bleaching agent has discoloured the fabric. (The bleaching agent has discoloured the fabric.)
  14. The pollution in the air has discoloured the paint on the building. (The pollution in the air has discoloured the paint on the building.)
  15. The water has discoloured the stones in the fountain. (The water has discoloured the stones in the fountain.)
  16. The food has discoloured my teeth. (The food has discoloured my teeth.)
  17. The plant has discoloured due to lack of sunlight. (The plant has discoloured due to lack of sunlight.)
  18. The shampoo has discoloured my hair. (The shampoo has discoloured my hair.)
  19. The ink has discoloured the paper. (The ink has discoloured the paper.)
  20. The fabric has discoloured after being washed with hot water. (The fabric has

discoloured after being washed with hot water.)

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