Culmination İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Culmination İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı


Culmination, en yüksek noktaya ulaşmak, en son aşamaya gelmek anlamına gelir.

  1. The movie was the culmination of years of hard work. (Film, yılların birikimi olan bir işin en sonucuydu.)
  2. The final exam was the culmination of the semester. (Final sınavı, dönemin en sonucuydu.)
  3. Winning the championship was the culmination of the team’s efforts. (Şampiyonluğu kazanmak, takımın çabalarının en sonucuydu.)
  4. The party was the culmination of the year’s social events. (Parti, yılın sosyal etkinliklerinin en sonucuydu.)
  5. His promotion was the culmination of his hard work. (Terfi etmek, onun çalışmalarının en sonucuydu.)
  6. The concert was the culmination of the musician’s tour. (Konser, müzisyenin turnesinin en sonucuydu.)
  7. The championship game was the culmination of the season. (Şampiyonluk maçı, sezonun en sonucuydu.)
  8. The wedding was the culmination of their love story. (Düğün, onların aşk hikayelerinin en sonucuydu.)
  9. Graduation day was the culmination of their academic journey. (Mezuniyet günü, akademik yolculuklarının en sonucuydu.)
  10. The invention was the culmination of years of research. (Buluş, yılların araştırmasının en sonucuydu.)
  11. The award was the culmination of her acting career. (Ödül, oyunculuk kariyerinin en sonucuydu.)
  12. The launch was the culmination of their startup. (Lansman, startup’ın en sonucuydu.)
  13. The final chapter was the culmination of the book. (Son bölüm, kitabın en sonucuydu.)
  14. The painting was the culmination of the artist’s creativity. (Tablo, sanatçının yaratıcılığının en sonucuydu.)
  15. The completion of the project was the culmination of the team’s hard work. (Projenin tamamlanması, takımın çalışmalarının en sonucuydu.)
  16. The mission was the culmination of their training. (Görev, eğitiminin en sonucuydu.)
  17. The final performance was the culmination of the theater season. (Son performans, tiyatro sezonunun en sonucuydu.)
  18. The summit was the culmination of the mountain climber’s journey. (Zirve, dağcının yolculuğunun en sonucuydu.)
  19. The graduation ceremony was the culmination of their high school experience. (Mezuniyet töreni, lise deneyimlerinin en sonucuydu.)
  20. The completion of the marathon was the culmination of the runner’s training. (Maratonun tamamlanması, koşucunun eğitiminin en sonucuydu.)
  1. The final concert was the culmination of the music festival. (Son konser, müzik festivalinin en sonucuydu.)
  2. The space mission was the culmination of the astronaut’s career. (Uzay görevi, astronotun kariyerinin en sonucuydu.)
  3. The championship match was the culmination of the tennis player’s season. (Şampiyona maçı, tenisçinin sezonunun en sonucuydu.)
  4. The publication of the novel was the culmination of the writer’s hard work. (Romanın yayınlanması, yazarın çalışmalarının en sonucuydu.)
  5. The final competition was the culmination of the gymnast’s training. (Son yarışma, jimnastikçinin eğitiminin en sonucuydu.)
  6. The unveiling of the statue was the culmination of the artist’s vision. (Heykelin açılışı, sanatçının vizyonunun en sonucuydu.)
  7. The final mission was the culmination of the space program. (Son görev, uzay programının en sonucuydu.)
  8. The graduation party was the culmination of their high school memories. (Mezuniyet partisi, lise anılarının en sonucuydu.)
  9. The release of the album was the culmination of the musician’s recording process. (Albümün çıkışı, müzisyenin kayıt sürecinin en sonucuydu.)
  10. The final project was the culmination of their engineering degree. (Son proje, mühendislik derecelerinin en sonucuydu.)

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