Proverb İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Proverb İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Proverbs in English

Proverbs, also known as sayings or maxims, are short and concise expressions that convey a general truth or a piece of advice based on common sense or experience. Here are some examples of proverbs in English and their usage in sentences:

  1. All’s well that ends well. (Her şey iyi sonuçlanırsa her şey iyi demektir.)
    After a rough start, our project was a success, and we were able to complete it on time. All’s well that ends well.

  2. Actions speak louder than words. (Sözler eylemlerden daha etkilidir.)
    Don’t just say you’re going to help me, show me. Remember, actions speak louder than words.

  3. Barking dogs seldom bite. (Havlayan köpekler nadiren ısırır.)
    Don’t be afraid of that dog. He’s just barking to scare you. Remember, barking dogs seldom bite.

  4. Better late than never. (Geç olsun güç olmasın.)
    I know I promised to come earlier, but I got stuck in traffic. Anyway, I’m here now. Better late than never.

  5. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. (Tavuklarını almadan yumurtaları sayma.)
    I’m confident that we’re going to win the contract, but let’s not count our chickens before they’re hatched.

  6. Don’t judge a book by its cover. (Kapağına bakarak kitabı yargılama.)
    She may look shy and quiet, but don’t judge a book by its cover. She’s actually very smart and outgoing.

  7. Every cloud has a silver lining. (Her bulutun bir gümüş astarı vardır.)
    I know you’re going through a tough time right now, but try to stay positive. Remember, every cloud has a silver lining.

  8. Fortune favors the bold. (Şans cesur insanların yanındadır.)
    If you want to succeed in life, you have to take risks. Fortune favors the bold.

  9. Haste makes waste. (Acele işe şeytan karışır.)
    Don’t rush the job. Take your time and do it right. Remember, haste makes waste.

  10. Honesty is the best policy. (Dürüstlük her zaman kazandırır.)
    Even if it’s hard, always tell the truth. Honesty is the best policy.

  11. If you can’t beat them, join them. (Onları yenemiyorsan, onlara katıl.)
    I used to hate playing video games, but since all my friends are gamers, I decided if you can’t beat them, join them.

  12. Kill two birds with one stone. (Tek taşla iki kuş vurmak.)
    I needed to buy groceries and pick up my dry cleaning. So, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and do them both in one trip.

  13. Laughter is the best medicine. (Gülme en iyi ilaçtır.)
    Whenever I’m feeling down, I watch a funny movie. Laughter is the best medicine.

  14. Money can’t buy happiness. (Para mutluluğu satın alamaz.)
    Don’t focus on making more money. Focus on what makes you happy. Remember, money can’t buy happiness.

  15. No pain, no gain. (Acı yoksa kazanç da yok.)
    If you want to achieve something

great, here are some more examples:

  1. Practice makes perfect. (Alışkanlık işi diye bir şey vardır.)
    You won’t be good at something right away. Keep practicing and remember, practice makes perfect.

  2. Rome wasn’t built in a day. (Roma bir günde inşa edilmedi.)
    Don’t get discouraged if you can’t achieve your goals quickly. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

  3. The early bird catches the worm. (Erken kalkan kuş solucanı kapar.)
    If you want to be successful, you have to wake up early and start working. Remember, the early bird catches the worm.

  4. The grass is always greener on the other side. (Komşunun tavuğu daha büyük görünür.)
    Don’t envy what other people have. Remember, the grass is always greener on the other side.

  5. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. (Yörenin adetlerine uygun davranmak gerekir.)
    When you visit a new place, try to adapt to their customs and traditions. Remember, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

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