Enamor İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Enamor İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı


Enamor kelimesi, Türkçede “aşık olmak, hayran olmak” gibi anlamlara gelmektedir.

  1. I was enamored by the beauty of the sunset. (Ben güneşin batışının güzelliğine hayran kaldım.)
  2. He became enamored of her after their first date. (İlk buluşmalarından sonra ona aşık oldu.)
  3. She has been enamored with him since they were in high school. (Lise zamanlarından beri ona hayrandır.)
  4. The artist was enamored with the vibrant colors of the painting. (Sanatçı resmin canlı renklerine hayran kalmıştı.)
  5. I’m not enamored with the idea of skydiving. (Ben paraşütle atlamak fikrine hayran değilim.)
  6. She quickly became enamored of the new restaurant in town. (O, kasabadaki yeni restorana hemen hayran oldu.)
  7. He’s enamored with the idea of living off the grid. (O, şehir dışında yaşamak fikrine hayran.)
  8. The children were enamored with the cute little puppies. (Çocuklar küçük sevimli yavrulara hayran kaldılar.)
  9. She had always been enamored of the idea of working for a non-profit organization. (O, kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluşta çalışma fikrine her zaman hayrandı.)
  10. He was enamored by the exotic beauty of the island. (O, adanın egzotik güzelliğine hayran kaldı.)
  11. The students were enamored with the guest speaker’s inspiring words. (Öğrenciler konuk konuşmacının ilham veren sözlerine hayran kaldılar.)
  12. She was enamored with the handsome stranger she met at the party. (O, partide tanıştığı yakışıklı yabancıya hayran kalmıştı.)
  13. He was enamored of the idea of traveling the world. (O, dünyayı gezmek fikrine hayrandı.)
  14. The audience was enamored with the talented musician’s performance. (Izleyiciler yetenekli müzisyenin performansına hayran kaldılar.)
  15. She had always been enamored of the classic novels of Jane Austen. (O, Jane Austen’ın klasik romanlarına her zaman hayrandı.)
  16. He was quickly enamored with the small town’s charm and friendly people. (O, küçük kasabanın cazibesine ve dost insanlarına hızlıca hayran oldu.)
  17. The couple was enamored with the quaint little bed and breakfast they stayed at. (Çift konakladıkları sevimli küçük pansiyona hayran kaldılar.)
  18. She was enamored with the idea of starting her own business. (O, kendi işini kurma fikrine hayran kalmıştı.)
  19. He was enamored of the stunning architecture of the ancient building. (O, antik yapıların şaşırtıcı mimarisine hayran kaldı.)
  20. The young girl was enamored with the graceful movements of the ballerina. (Genç kız balerinlerin zarif hareketlerine hayran kald
  1. Despite his flaws, she couldn’t help but be enamored with him. (Kusurlarına rağmen, ona hayran olmaktan kendini alamadı.)
  2. The children were enamored with the magical atmosphere of the amusement park. (Çocuklar eğlence parkının sihirli atmosferine hayran kaldılar.)
  3. She was enamored of the romantic gestures her boyfriend would make for her. (O, erkek arkadaşının kendisi için yaptığı romantik jestlere hayran kaldı.)
  4. He became enamored with the sport of surfing after taking a lesson. (Bir ders aldıktan sonra sörf sporuna hayran oldu.)
  5. The couple was enamored with the stunning views from the mountaintop. (Çift dağın zirvesinden muhteşem manzaraya hayran kaldılar.)
  6. She was enamored of the intricate details in the art piece. (O, sanat eserindeki karmaşık detaylara hayran kaldı.)
  7. He was enamored with the fast-paced lifestyle of the city. (O, şehrin hızlı tempolu yaşam tarzına hayran kaldı.)
  8. The tourists were enamored with the charming culture of the small village. (Turistler küçük köyün çekici kültürüne hayran kaldılar.)
  9. She was enamored of the elegant fashion sense of the Parisians. (O, Parislilerin zarif moda anlayışına hayran kaldı.)
  10. He was enamored with the bravery of the firefighters who rescued him. (O, kendisini kurtaran itfaiyecilerin cesaretine hayran kaldı.)

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