Abbreviator İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Abbreviator İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Abbreviator Nedir?

Abbreviator, kelime veya cümleleri kısaltarak daha kısa bir şekilde yazmak veya söylemek için kullanılan bir araçtır.

  1. I’m going to the gym after work. => I’m going to the gym after work.

  2. The United States of America => The U.S.A.

  3. Doctor => Dr.

  4. Approximately => Approx.

  5. Mister => Mr.

  6. Boulevard => Blvd.

  7. Senior => Sr.

  8. Avenue => Ave.

  9. Department => Dept.

  10. Wednesday => Wed.

  11. International => Int.

  12. Professor => Prof.

  13. Junior => Jr.

  14. September => Sept.

  15. Captain => Capt.

  16. Thursday => Thurs.

  17. Mountain => Mt.

  18. December => Dec.

  19. Chief Executive Officer => CEO

  20. In conclusion => In concl.

  21. I have an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. => I have an appt. with the dr. this afternoon.

  22. Can you pick me up at the intersection of Main Street and First Avenue? => Can you pick me up at the intersection of Main St. and 1st Ave.?

  23. The United Nations is an international organization. => The UN is an int. org.

  24. My father’s name is John Senior. => My father’s name is John Sr.

  25. The concert starts at 8 o’clock in the evening. => The concert starts at 8 p.m.

  26. I live on Maplewood Boulevard. => I live on Maplewood Blvd.

  27. The department store is having a sale this week. => The dept. store is having a sale this week.

  28. The meeting is on Wednesday, September 15th. => The meeting is on Wed., Sept. 15th.

  29. The professor is teaching an international business class. => The prof. is teaching an int. bus. class.

  30. John Smith Junior is my neighbor. => John Smith Jr. is my neighbor.

  31. The conference is in December. => The conf. is in Dec.

  32. The Chief Executive Officer will be speaking at the event. => The CEO will be speaking at the event.

  33. In conclusion, we need to take action now. => In concl., we need to take action now.

  34. The mountain is over 5000 feet tall. => The Mt. is over 5000 ft. tall.

  35. The meeting is on Thursday, November 4th. => The meeting is on Thurs., Nov. 4th.

  36. The concert is in the evening. => The concert is in the eve.

  37. The bank is closed on holidays. => The bank is closed on hols.

  38. My birthday is in September. => My bday is in Sept.

  39. The Captain of the ship is very experienced. => The Capt. of the ship is very experienced.

  40. The department is located on the third floor. => The dept. is located on the 3rd floor.

  1. The apartment complex has a fitness center. => The apt. complex has a fit. center.

  2. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. => She graduated with a BA degree.

  3. The company’s revenue increased by 10 percent. => The co.’s revenue increased by 10%.

  4. The festival starts on Friday, July 15th. => The fest. starts on Fri., July 15th.

  5. My mother’s name is Elizabeth, but she goes by Liz. => My mother’s name is Elizabeth, but she goes by Liz.

  6. I need to go to the supermarket to buy groceries. => I need to go to the super. to buy groceries.

  7. The restaurant has a dress code for dinner. => The rest. has a dress code for dinner.

  8. She is a member of the National Honor Society. => She is a member of the NHS.

  9. The movie starts at 7 o’clock in the evening. => The movie starts at 7 p.m.

  10. He has a Master of Science degree in Computer Science. => He has an MS degree in Comp. Sci.

  11. The restaurant has a children’s menu. => The rest. has a kids’ menu.

  12. The company’s net income decreased by 20 percent. => The co.’s net income decreased by 20%.

  13. The street is closed for construction. => The st. is closed for constr.

  14. The event is on Saturday, December 10th. => The event is on Sat., Dec. 10th.

  15. I’m studying for my Bachelor of Science degree. => I’m studying for my BS degree.

  16. The hotel has a swimming pool and a fitness center. => The hotel has a pool and a fit. center.

  17. The concert tickets are sold out. => The tix. are sold out.

  18. The office is located on the second floor. => The office is located on the 2nd floor.

  19. The train arrives at 9 o’clock in the morning. => The train arrives at 9 a.m.

  20. She has a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree. => She has a DDM degree.

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