Recollect İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Recollect İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı


Recollect, “hatırlamak, yeniden hatırlamak” gibi anlamlara gelir. İşte örnek cümleler:

  1. I cannot recollect where I left my keys. (Anahtarlarımı nereye bıraktığımı hatırlayamıyorum.)
  2. She tried hard to recollect her childhood memories. (Çocukluk anılarını hatırlamak için çok çabaladı.)
  3. Can you recollect what he said to you last night? (Dün gece sana ne dediğini hatırlayabilir misin?)
  4. He recollected the days when he used to ride his bicycle in the park. (Parkta bisiklet süren günleri hatırladı.)
  5. I cannot recollect ever seeing him before. (Daha önce onu hiç gördüğümü hatırlayamıyorum.)
  6. She recollected the good times they had spent together. (Birlikte geçirdikleri güzel zamanları hatırladı.)
  7. I recollected that I had an important meeting that day. (O gün önemli bir toplantım olduğunu hatırladım.)
  8. He recollected the events of that fateful day. (O kader gününün olaylarını hatırladı.)
  9. I cannot recollect her name, but I remember her face. (Adını hatırlayamıyorum ama yüzünü hatırlıyorum.)
  10. She recollected the feeling of excitement when she got her first job. (İlk işini aldığında hissettiği heyecanı hatırladı.)
  11. He recollected the moment when he proposed to his girlfriend. (Kız arkadaşına evlenme teklif ettiği anı hatırladı.)
  12. I recollected the instructions he gave me before he left. (Gittiği önce bana verdiği talimatları hatırladım.)
  13. She tried to recollect the lyrics of the song she used to sing as a child. (Çocukken söylediği şarkının sözlerini hatırlamaya çalıştı.)
  14. He recollected the smell of his grandmother’s cooking. (Büyükannesi yemek yaparken yayılan kokuyu hatırladı.)
  15. I cannot recollect the details of the conversation we had that day. (O gün yaptığımız konuşmanın detaylarını hatırlayamıyorum.)
  16. She recollected the day when she graduated from college. (Üniversiteden mezun olduğu günü hatırladı.)
  17. He recollected the thrill of his first skydiving experience. (İlk kez paraşütle atlama heyecanını hatırladı.)
  18. I cannot recollect the last time I went on vacation. (Tatilde son ne zaman gittiğimi hatırlayamıyorum.)
  19. She recollected the moment when she held her newborn baby for the first time. (İlk kez bebeğini kucakladığı anı hatırladı.)
  20. He recollected the feeling of accomplishment when he finished writing his first book. (İlk kitabını yazmayı tamamladığ

ıktan sonra mutlaka birkaç kez hatırlamak kelimesinin doğru kullanımı ile ilgili örnekler verilmelidir. Bu sayede kelimenin anlamı daha net bir şekilde anlaşılabilir.

  1. I always try to recollect important dates, like birthdays and anniversaries.
  2. Can you recollect the name of the person we met at the party last week?
  3. She recollected the way her grandmother used to tell stories to her when she was a child.
  4. He recollected the day he met his best friend, and how they became inseparable since then.
  5. I cannot recollect the name of the restaurant we went to last time, but I remember the food was great.
  6. She recollected the sound of the waves hitting the shore, and how it made her feel peaceful.
  7. He recollected the feeling of embarrassment when he forgot his lines during a school play.
  8. I try to recollect the important details of a book I’ve read, so I can discuss it later with others.
  9. She recollected the moment when she got her first job offer, and how excited she was.
  10. He recollected the day he proposed to his wife, and how nervous he was.
  11. I cannot recollect the last time I saw my high school friends, but I hope to see them soon.
  12. She recollected the day she moved to a new city, and how it was both scary and exciting at the same time.
  13. He recollected the smell of freshly baked cookies, and how it always reminded him of his childhood home.
  14. I try to recollect the important points of a lecture or presentation, so I can remember them later.
  15. She recollected the day when she received a scholarship to study abroad, and how it changed her life.
  16. He recollected the feeling of relief when he passed his driving test on the third attempt.
  17. I cannot recollect the name of the song that’s been stuck in my head all day.
  18. She recollected the moment when she realized her passion for writing, and how it became her career.
  19. He recollected the day he climbed a mountain for the first time, and how it made him feel invincible.
  20. I try to recollect the details of a dream I had, so I can analyze its meaning.

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