İntern İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

İntern İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı


Intern kelimesi Türkçe’de “stajyer” anlamına gelmektedir. Bu kelime, öğrencilerin mesleki deneyim kazanmak için çalışma alanlarında geçirdikleri belirli bir süre için kullanılır.

  1. I am currently working as an intern at a law firm. (Şu anda bir hukuk firmasında stajyer olarak çalışıyorum.)
  2. The intern learned a lot during his time at the hospital. (Stajyer hastanede geçirdiği süre boyunca çok şey öğrendi.)
  3. She was selected as an intern for the summer internship program. (O, yaz staj programı için stajyer olarak seçildi.)
  4. The intern shadowed the senior executive for the day. (Stajyer, bir gün boyunca üst düzey yöneticiyi gölgeledi.)
  5. As an intern, you will have the opportunity to work on real projects. (Stajyer olarak, gerçek projelerde çalışma fırsatı bulacaksınız.)
  6. The intern was assigned to research and compile data. (Stajyer araştırma yapmak ve verileri derlemekle görevlendirildi.)
  7. I was an intern at the marketing department last year. (Geçen yıl pazarlama bölümünde stajyerdim.)
  8. The intern was praised for her excellent work during her internship. (Stajyer, stajı boyunca harika işleri nedeniyle övüldü.)
  9. During the internship, the intern had the opportunity to network with professionals in the industry. (Staj sırasında, stajyer sektördeki profesyonellerle iletişim kurma fırsatı buldu.)
  10. The intern’s duties included answering phone calls and responding to emails. (Stajyerin görevleri aramaları yanıtlamak ve e-postalara cevap vermekti.)
  11. The intern was given the opportunity to attend meetings and present her ideas. (Stajyer, toplantılara katılma ve fikirlerini sunma fırsatı verildi.)
  12. As an intern, it’s important to be proactive and take initiative. (Stajyer olarak, proaktif olmak ve girişimde bulunmak önemlidir.)
  13. The intern’s supervisor provided guidance and feedback throughout the internship. (Stajyerin yöneticisi, staj boyunca rehberlik ve geri bildirim sağladı.)
  14. The intern was required to keep a detailed log of her daily activities. (Stajyer, günlük faaliyetlerinin ayrıntılı bir kaydını tutması gerekiyordu.)
  15. The intern was excited to have the opportunity to work in a fast-paced environment. (Stajyer hızlı tempolu bir ortamda çalışma fırsatı olduğu için heyecanlıydı.)
  16. During the internship, the intern gained valuable experience and skills. (Staj sırasında, stajyer değerli deneyim ve beceriler kazandı.)
  17. The intern was invited to participate in a company-wide event. (Stajyer, şirket genelinde bir etkinliğe katılmak için davet edildi.)
  18. The intern
  1. The intern’s mentor provided guidance and support throughout the internship. (Stajyerin mentörü, staj sırasında rehberlik ve destek sağladı.)
  2. The intern was able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to real-world situations. (Stajyer, sınıfta öğrendiği bilgi ve becerileri gerçek dünya durumlarına uygulayabildi.)
  3. The intern’s hard work and dedication paid off when she was offered a full-time position at the company. (Stajyerin yoğun çalışması ve özverisi, şirkette tam zamanlı bir pozisyon teklif edildiğinde ödüllendirildi.)

(H4, style=”color:blue”) Examples (/H4)

  1. I am currently working as an intern at a law firm.
  2. The intern learned a lot during his time at the hospital.
  3. She was selected as an intern for the summer internship program.
  4. The intern shadowed the senior executive for the day.
  5. As an intern, you will have the opportunity to work on real projects.
  6. The intern was assigned to research and compile data.
  7. I was an intern at the marketing department last year.
  8. The intern was praised for her excellent work during her internship.
  9. During the internship, the intern had the opportunity to network with professionals in the industry.
  10. The intern‘s duties included answering phone calls and responding to emails.
  11. The intern was given the opportunity to attend meetings and present her ideas.
  12. As an intern, it’s important to be proactive and take initiative.
  13. The intern‘s supervisor provided guidance and feedback throughout the internship.
  14. The intern was required to keep a detailed log of her daily activities.
  15. The intern was excited to have the opportunity to work in a fast-paced environment.
  16. During the internship, the intern gained valuable experience and skills.
  17. The intern was invited to participate in a company-wide event.
  18. The intern‘s mentor provided guidance and support throughout the internship.
  19. The intern was able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to real-world situations.
  20. The intern‘s hard work and dedication paid off when she was offered a full-time position at the company.

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