Be Fascinated By İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Be Fascinated By İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Be Fascinated By

Meaning: To be extremely interested in something or someone; to be captivated or engrossed by something.

Example sentences:

  1. I am fascinated by ancient history.
    (Milattan önceki tarih beni büyülüyor.)

  2. She was fascinated by the new art exhibit.
    (Yeni sanat sergisi onu büyüledi.)

  3. He was fascinated by the exotic animals at the zoo.
    (Hayvanat bahçesindeki egzotik hayvanlar onu büyüledi.)

  4. The children were fascinated by the magician’s tricks.
    (Çocuklar büyücünün numaralarından büyülendi.)

  5. She was fascinated by the workings of the human mind.
    (İnsan zihninin işleyişinden çok etkilendi.)

  6. I’m fascinated by the way plants grow.
    (Bitkilerin büyümesi beni çok etkiliyor.)

  7. He was fascinated by the idea of time travel.
    (Zaman yolculuğu fikri onu çok etkiledi.)

  8. The students were fascinated by the story of the ancient city.
    (Öğrenciler antik şehrin hikayesinden çok etkilendiler.)

  9. She was fascinated by the complexity of the human body.
    (İnsan vücudunun karmaşıklığından çok etkilendi.)

  10. He was fascinated by the architecture of the old buildings.
    (Eski binaların mimarisinden çok etkilendi.)

  11. The audience was fascinated by the acrobats’ performance.
    (İzleyiciler, akrobatların performansından büyülendiler.)

  12. She was fascinated by the culture of the indigenous people.
    (Yerli halkın kültürü onu büyüledi.)

  13. He was fascinated by the technology behind the latest smartphones.
    (En son akıllı telefonların teknolojisi onu etkiledi.)

  14. The tourists were fascinated by the natural beauty of the national park.
    (Turistler milli parkın doğal güzelliğinden büyülendiler.)

  15. She was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe.
    (Evrenin gizemleri onu büyüledi.)

  16. He was fascinated by the diversity of marine life.
    (Deniz canlılarının çeşitliliği onu etkiledi.)

  17. The children were fascinated by the colorful fish in the aquarium.
    (Akvaryumdaki renkli balıklar çocukları büyüledi.)

  18. She was fascinated by the history of the ancient ruins.
    (Eski kalıntıların tarihi onu büyüledi.)

  19. He was fascinated by the possibilities of space exploration.
    (Uzay keşfi olasılıkları onu etkiledi.)

  20. The audience was fascinated by the magician’s ability to make objects disappear.
    (İzleyiciler büyücünün nesneleri nasıl kaybolup tekr

te ortaya çıkardığını izlerken büyülendiler.)

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