Armistice İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı

Armistice İle İlgili Cümleler İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı


Armistice, savaşan tarafların karşılıklı olarak ateşkes anlaşması yaparak savaş eylemlerine son vermesi anlamına gelir.

  1. The armistice was signed between the two countries, ending the war. (İki ülke arasında savaşı sona erdiren ateşkes imzalandı.)
  2. The soldiers celebrated the armistice by firing their guns into the air. (Askerler silahlarını havaya ateş ederek ateşkesi kutladılar.)
  3. The armistice was only temporary, as the war soon resumed. (Ateşkes sadece geçiciydi, çünkü savaş hemen tekrar başladı.)
  4. The armistice allowed for negotiations to take place between the two sides. (Ateşkes, taraflar arasında müzakerelerin yapılmasına izin verdi.)
  5. The armistice came as a relief to the civilians caught in the crossfire. (Ateşkes, çatışmaların ortasında kalan siviller için bir rahatlama sağladı.)
  6. The armistice was announced on the radio, bringing hope to the people. (Radyoda ilan edilen ateşkes, insanlara umut getirdi.)
  7. The terms of the armistice were debated for several days before being agreed upon. (Ateşkesin koşulları, kabul edilmeden önce birkaç gün boyunca tartışıldı.)
  8. The armistice was broken when one side attacked the other during negotiations. (Taraflardan biri müzakereler sırasında diğerini saldırarak ateşkese uymadı.)
  9. The armistice was a turning point in the war, leading to eventual peace. (Ateşkes, savaşta bir dönüm noktası oldu ve nihai olarak barışa yol açtı.)
  10. The armistice allowed for the safe return of prisoners of war. (Ateşkes, savaş esirlerinin güvenli şekilde geri dönmesine izin verdi.)
  11. The armistice was announced on the anniversary of the start of the war. (Ateşkes, savaşın başlangıç ​​yıl dönümünde ilan edildi.)
  12. The armistice was seen as a victory for both sides, as it allowed for a peaceful resolution. (Ateşkes, barışçıl bir çözüm sağlayarak her iki taraf için de bir zafer olarak görüldü.)
  13. The armistice was signed after months of fierce fighting. (Ateşkes, şiddetli çatışmaların ardından aylarca imzalandı.)
  14. The armistice was broken when one side refused to comply with the agreed-upon terms. (Ateşkes, taraflardan biri kabul edilen koşullara uymayı reddettiğinde bozuldu.)
  15. The armistice was celebrated with a parade through the city. (Ateşkes, şehirde yapılan bir geçit töreniyle kutlandı.)
  16. The armistice brought an end to the suffering of civilians caught in the middle of the war. (
  1. The armistice negotiations were complicated by disagreements over the treatment of prisoners of war. (Ateşkes müzakereleri, savaş esirlerinin muamelesi konusundaki anlaşmazlıklar nedeniyle karmaşıktı.)
  2. The armistice was broken when a third party intervened in the conflict. (Ateşkes, üçüncü bir tarafın çatışmaya müdahale etmesiyle bozuldu.)
  3. The armistice agreement included provisions for the disarmament of both sides. (Ateşkes anlaşması, her iki tarafın da silahsızlandırılması için hükümler içeriyordu.)
  4. The armistice was greeted with relief by families who had lost loved ones in the war. (Savaşta sevdiklerini kaybeden aileler, ateşkesle birlikte rahatlamışlardı.)


1. The armistice between the two countries was signed at midnight.
2. The armistice allowed for the safe evacuation of civilians from the warzone.
3. The armistice negotiations lasted for several weeks before an agreement was reached.
4. The armistice was broken when one side violated the terms of the agreement.
5. The armistice brought an end to the suffering of the people caught in the crossfire.
6. The armistice was celebrated with fireworks and parades in the streets.
7. The armistice allowed for the exchange of prisoners of war between the two sides.
8. The armistice agreement was hailed as a victory for peace and diplomacy.
9. The armistice was a much-needed respite from the violence and destruction of the war.
10. The armistice announcement was met with cheers and applause from the crowds.
11. The armistice ended years of bitter fighting and brought hope for a better future.
12. The armistice negotiations were marked by tense and difficult discussions over the terms.
13. The armistice was a testament to the power of diplomacy and negotiation.
14. The armistice was seen as a turning point in the war, paving the way for peace talks.
15. The armistice was broken when one side launched a surprise attack on the other.
16. The armistice was announced on the national holiday, bringing a sense of joy and celebration.
17. The armistice was only a temporary solution, as tensions continued to simmer beneath the surface.
18. The armistice allowed for humanitarian aid to reach the people affected by the war.
19. The armistice negotiations were held in a neutral location to ensure fairness and impartiality.
20. The armistice marked the end of a dark chapter in history and the beginning of a new era of peace.

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